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Audiobook/Radio Series (Part 3)


Six months after we completed the editing for Season One of “The Adventures of Ezekiel”, I finally found a producer. It had been frustrating knowing for so long that we were ready to record and yet we had no one to do it! During that time we were also dealing with fires here in Australia. THE FIRES! The ones that had the vast majority of the country, burning away to ash.

I reflected upon during this time, a fire I had written about in my stories. I'm not going to lie, it felt a little prophetic to have written about a fire that rips through protesters falls two years prior... and now members of my family were being evacuated out of that very area at this moment for the same reason. It was an event we all considered apocalyptic. I think I''ll dedicate a whole blog post to those scary times that spanned over many months in late 2019. But for now, I'll to return to my project and its evolution.

Back during my waiting period, I tried everything I could think of, to nab a new producer. I had decided to get involved with LinkedIn, which is an online social platform for business networking amongst other things. I wrote my profile and searched for other professionals and contacts to help me find what I was looking for. One connection I made, fortunately turned out to be exactly what I was looking for. After we got in contact, the project started to gain momentum again. Danial was my new producer, and he had all the skills and experience I needed.

So, we began recording. Peter, Danial and I would meet every Friday morning and spend a few hours rehearsing, recording and discussing what sound effects needed to be added, to bring it all to life. That was a lot of fun. A new phase of my learning experience had begun. Listening to and watching Danial work his magic in the technology arena gave me a better understanding of what exactly sound engineering was. I can't say that I fully get it, but hey, that's why we hire professionals to do the things we can't do. Another invaluable member was added to the team. I felt like I could breathe again.. It was all happening..

After we had finished recording all seven episodes, Season one, of The Adventures Of Ezekiel...and it was in full post production mode, my focus had to shift gears again.

I had to think about getting a website up and running, and plan what I was going to do in order to launch my product.

This is the part of my journey that welcomed Tamara, my business coach, an old friend of mine I had met during those early Mothers Group days. She has since moved away, but we still kept in contact from time to time. Tamara had just started her new business; The "Business Creatress". I came across one of her promotional Facebook ads, and contacted her straight away. I was so proud of her for following her dreams and I wished to congratulate her on her success, of course, I also wanted to be her client. I got in-touch with her and chatted, catching up on the gossip in each others lives, I also expressed how much I needed her help right now. “Please, Please Tamara.. will you be my business coach?” I pleaded down the line. She was thrilled to take me on and I have been working with her and her endless brilliance ever since. The project had gained another highly valuable member of its team.

I feel so blessed to work with so many talented people. Everyday feels like a gift. I know that sounds cliche, but its amazing when we manage to, get out of our own way, to allow incredible people into our life. There are, of course, so many details to the trials and tribulations that happened during the making of my radio series/audio book that I haven't included... However, I wanted to highlight the stuff I remember the most..

It turns out, I remember the triumphs in greater detail than the challenges. In fact these challenges would teach me valuable lessons about 'going with the flow', and waiting for the right opportunities and people to fall into place. I had to take inspired action when necessary, and, had to learn how to reflect, re-assess and re-group during bumps and roadblocks along the way.

I learned a lot about myself during this process. One of my biggest lessons, was trust. Trust can be a heavy topic and it's not a subject that can be summed up the same way, for everybody. The amount of joy and satisfaction I get, even from the most gruelling tasks within my project is enormous.

If it was the case, that only my children and myself ever hear the completed version of “The Adventures of Ezekiel”, then I would still be giddy with as sense of achievement. To bring my stories to the greater community of the world is just icing on the triple stacked layered cake.

I'm bursting with excitement and I can't wait for you to hear it!!

Much love and adventures,

Holly Tutin.


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